Sunday, July 5, 2009

New Movie: New Moon

I see the countdown has started for the next movie. Judging from the buzz about the first one, I wonder how the next one will be met? I know that obsessors of the saga were sorely disappointed, but the movie's box office receipts have it almost in the top 100 so despite their supposed dissatisfaction, they're spending their dollars on it.

As stated before I didn't think they did all that bad a job on the first one. Yeah, I was disappointed that they didn't translate the book verbatim. But really, would I have been satisfied if they had?

My major complaints were about casting. Even my alternative lifestyle eyes can see that Robert Pattinson qualifies as eye candy, but he can't act his way out of a paper bag. Quite frankly I thought his angst looked more like severe constipation. I just didn't feel his attraction to Bella had the same depth the character did as portrayed in the book. I'm neither here nor there on Kristen Stewart. Another one that is nice to look at but I didn't sense the spine of steel that was lurking in the written girl. Peter Facinelli looked even younger than Pattinson so I found him completely unbelievable as Carlisle Cullen, a man who has walked the earth for centuries. Granted I wasn't looking for someone old and wrinkled but he was just too baby faced to believe. The rest of the casting was not far off from my mental casting and will remain unremarked upon at this time.

I'm looking forward to some really good special effects in the next installment since it deals with shape shifting. What are you looking forward to?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


A question was posed today and I don't know the answer. You'd think after reading all four books five times through there would not be many Twilight questions I can't answer. But I am stumped. Maybe you aren't. Follow along, please.

You've been converted to full vampire status. As the poison converted your body from a mortal to an immortal state, your blood thickened, your organs hardened and cooled. Eventually your heart stopped beating and the conversion was complete.

Even if something were to break the surface of your perfectly impervious skin, you would would not bleed. No blood pumps through your veins. Now granted, I've spent far more of my life beneath the sheets with women than I have with men, but if I recall my male anatomy correctly it takes some serious blood pooling to create that male magic known as an erection.

So how the hell does Edward get wood for Bella?