Monday, October 27, 2008

About this place...

If you're looking for a fan site devoted to the Twilight series of books or their beloved characters this is not that site.

The current theme is Twilight, the books and the upcoming movie. But it's not what you think. If I'd started this 5 years ago, the theme would have been Harry Potter based. Basically what I'm doing here is a "what if it was real" thing, hence the name at the top of the page. Let's apply realities to the myth.

Who knows what the theme will be later. Probably my next obsession.

So today I'll embarrass myself by telling you how I applied the wrong definition of a word to a sentence in the book. Carlisle is explaining to Bella how Edward came to be a vampire. In describing Edward's dying mother, he attributes some of her failing health to having tried to nurse her son from her sickbed. This had me doing a double-take as I was under the impression that Edward became a vampire at the age of seventeen. See, I didn't read Florence-Nightingale-sort-of-nurse, I read, breast-feed-her-infant-son-sort-of-nurse. It got me to thinking...

How exactly do you bottle-feed an infant vampire?

Ready to Start AGAIN

I've missed blogging so much. It's time to start doing what I love again, to hell with everyone else.