Sunday, November 16, 2008

The other power of the mind

A close cousin of being able to read thoughts in a one-way fashion, there's the pack mentality of being able to read the thoughts of all your pack-mates.

How creepy would that be if it was a familial trait? Parents would always know what sneaky things the kids were up to and might even be able to prevent some of the stupider actions. The kids would know that Dad cheats on his taxes and Mom lusts after the husband of the neighbor two doors down. Serious blackmail material for the kids...but then dark-hearted me would focus on the nasty consequences of such a world.

On the flip side, you'd always know when something was amiss and what it was you could do to make it better.

If this was the way things were, do you think it would be a good thing or a bad thing?

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